about mario flores

Mario Flores
was raised in
the Sixth Ward

Mario Flores, raised in San Bernardino’s 6th ward, has a deep understanding of the community and values that make the city unique. As a first-generation Latino, Mario proudly embraces his roots. His parent’s immigrant experience instilled a strong work ethic, resilience, and a commitment to making a positive impact in his community.

Mario’s professional experience includes working as a field representative for a County Supervisor, where he gained insights into effective governance and community leadership. Additionally, he served as the Field Director for Helen Tran’s mayoral campaign, honing his skills in grassroots organizing and community engagement.


Now, Mario Flores has decided to take a bold step forward by entering the race for city council. Fueled by a genuine enthusiasm to be part of the solution, he aspires to contribute to the progress and development of San Bernardino. Mario’s vision is grounded in a commitment to addressing the city’s challenges and working collaboratively to create a brighter future for all residents. His candidacy represents a dedication to moving San Bernardino forward, ensuring a city that thrives with inclusivity, opportunity, and prosperity for everyone.